Saturday, May 21, 2011

A New Way to Read the Old Testament

Reading the Bible is key to living the Christian life and comprehending the way
God wants us to live.   Knowing and understanding the Bible is key to avoiding
false/misled teachers and providing for yourself a firm foundation of faith.

The world did not end today.   No man knows the day or the hour of the moves
of God, they are for Him to know.   We are simply to live each day with the best
understanding and obedience and effort and honesty that comes from within.

Reading all the way through the Old Testament in approximate chronological
order.  282 reading days and 83 off days.   Gives you time to catch up if you
miss a day, or to incorporate NT reading interspering the Old or spend all day
at the beach and et cetera.

By your friendly neighborhood bloggerman, radar.   Do it with me?

Comments on this blog are moderated, as it is the Bible after all...

Today's Scripture Reading

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  1. It seems to me that most Christians stay in the New Testament. I often encounter Christians who have been following God for a decade or more who still haven't read all the way through the Bible!!! Yes, I think the new Christian should begin reading the Bible in the New Testament to get a good concept of the life of Christ, the history of the early Church and receive the admonitions and instructions and encouragements given the Church by God through his Men such as Paul and Peter and Luke.

    However, if you have been a follower of Christ for more than two years, time to jump into the deep end of the pool and grow your understanding thereby.

    This reading plan is far more chronlogical than the ordinary OT as printed today. But to be truly chronological would require slicing up the OT into hundreds of little slices and would make reading it frustrating far beyond the advantages of being chronologically correct.

    I hope this plan blesses you. Personally I began doing it on May 18th, 2011. Thanks!

  2. Hi Radar,
    I Hope that you do not Mind me Calling you by your Other Blogger Name. It's not Like you have any Secret Identity or anything. I Know you as Radar and that's the Name I've Gotten Used to.

    I don't Read the Bible Enough and I don't Know how to Move myself to do it. It's Funny how it is, though, that I'm Here Today. I've been Complaining about the Length of the Posts on your Other Blog and yet want to Visit with you just the Same, so here I am and all I'm Really Required to Read Right now is Three Chapters of the Bible. How Hard can that Be?

    I didn't Start from the Beginning, though. You'll Find as you get to Know me that I Very Rarely ever do Exactly as I'm Told. I Sort of do, but Always in my Own Unique Way.

    I've been Curious about Daniel Lately, so that is what I Read and here are a Few Additional Details that I Picked Up that I had Forgotten about.

    The Names Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego (the Fiery Furnace Guys) were not their Original Names. Their Real Names were Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah. Daniel was Given the Name Belteshazzar. These men were all Hired as Teachers in the Kings Palace.

    Chapter One is about the Meat Verses Vegetarian Trial, for the Three Above Men, as well as Daniel, were all Vegetarians and did not Wish to Eat of the Kings Meat, yet while Eating Vegetables, they Remained in Very Good Health. Seventh Day Adventists Probably Love this Passage.

    Chapter 2 is About a Totally Unrealistic Expectation Made by the King, with the Consequence of Death if it's not Met. Boy, What a Tyrant!! Yet God Gave Daniel the Ability to Meet this Ridiculous Request and Tell the King both his Dream and also the Interpretation of it. It was a Prophetic Dream.

    Analyzing that Dream could be Quite a Study in and of itself, yet for Now, I'm just going to Focus on the Story, in that Daniel was Appointed as a Ruler Over Babylon and his Three Companions were Given Positions of Honor Under him and Daniel sat in the Gate of the King. So Far, it Sounds Similar to the Story of Joseph.

    Next is the more Common Story of the Fiery Furnace, in Chapter 3. King Nebuchadnezzar Makes this Huge Statue of Himself that he Wants Everyone to Bow Down and Worship. Talk about Someone who is Quite Proud and Full of himself and the Sentence for not Doing so was Death. What a Control Freak, huh?!

    Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were Cast into the Fiery Furnace because they Refused to Worship the Statue. One shouldn't Miss the Little Details Like Three Times as Hot, so that the Fire Slayed those who threw them in the Fire and the Fourth Man (Jesus), that Walked with them in the Fire Protecting them.

    Back to the Extreme Nature of the King. Now he Decides to have anyone who says anything against the God of these three men to be Cut Into Pieces. I guess he doesn't Believe in Small Consequences for Disobedience to what he says, does he?

    This was most Definitely a Control Freak and the Story Spoke to me in that we do not Need to Fear such Control Freaks, even if it Seems that they might Still have Something that could be Used to Hurt us. God Says, "Do not Fear, for I will Deliver you Out of the Hands of Anyone on the Web who May Attempt to do you Harm." and that is what I Got Out of that Story.

    I Hope that this Comment has not been too Long.

  3. I Sort of Smiled after Submitting that Comment, for I Realized that I'm Probably not going to be Able to Submit a Summary Like that for Every 3 Chapter Section Listed Above, but I thought I'd Give you a Sample any way.

    I can't seem to read anything at all without also Writing my Comments (a Line by Line Critique) or some sort of a Summary. That's just how I Learn. Unfortunately, it Takes forever, but I Like to Think that I Remember Quite a Bit of it when I'm Through.

  4. Hi Radar,
    You Know, you haven't Written on your Other Blog in Awhile. Are you Ok? I was even Looking for your Email Address because I was Worried about you.
